Public Speaking Resource Guide

Posted on 03/10/2018 by Jonathan O'Brien

You are in class and suddenly, the instructor informs you that you need to present a project to the class. The project involves a number of components, such as a written portion, a visual portion and a spoken portion. While writing and creating a visual presentation is fairly easy, the one part that most people dread is the spoken component. Whether you are presenting to a small group, a mid-sized class or a large auditorium, public speaking provides everyone who is not used to speaking in public with challenges.

Public speaking can be very nerve racking for new and experienced speakers. Not many people are comfortable speaking in front of others and how they react can be the difference between a successful presentation or a presentation that needs work. In order to have a successful presentation, the speaker must learn to control their fears and present with confidence. The best start in giving a presentation is being comfortable with the material they are presenting. By studying the subject matter, and organizing your thoughts, your presentation will have a chance at being successful.

While people generally won't give a great presentation the first time, with experience and continued hard work, you will become more comfortable and will give better presentations. To help overcome fear and become a better speaker, we have put together this useful list of resources. Please look over this information and share it with others that would like to learn how to give a better speaking presentation whether at school, work and in the community. Mastering the art of public speaking can become a lifelong talent that can be used anywhere it is needed. Good luck!


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