Screen Time for Kids: How Much is Too Much

Posted on 02/25/2018 by Jonathan O'Brien

How children spend their time has a significant impact on them, particularly when it comes to their physical and mental well-being. It can affect how they behave and who they become as they grow into teenagers and eventually, adults. This is particularly true during the most formative years of a child's life. Televisions, computers, and other forms of technology are a large part of modern culture. As a result, children are not only spending an unprecedented amount of time using them, but they're exposed to them often at an extremely early. When children spend too much time watching television or using digital devices it prevents them from having the type of interactions that are necessary for developing minds and bodies. There are some positive benefits to using computers and similar technology at an early age, such as learning to multi-task; however, access should be limited and programs or games should be educational in nature. The length of time a child is allowed to watch TV or use a digital device is generally determined by the age of the child with zero access for the first two to three years of their life. It's important that parents not only understand how much screen time is too much, but also what the consequences are if children use them in excess.

Short-Term Consequences

When a child spends their free time staring at a TV screen or playing video games there are consequences, sometimes immediately. Because these are primarily indoor activities that are, for the most part, passive and solitary, children spend less time outdoors, jumping, running, and participating in physical play. Television programs and commercials often promote junk and fast food, which can negatively impact their diet by making them crave for unhealthy snacks. As digital devices typically involve sitting, it can also affect younger children in terms of coordination and movement. It often also reduces their interaction with other children and stunts the development of social skills. A child's developing brain can also be affected by too much screen time. The fast pace of images on television, for example, may impact a child's short-term memory. When video games and television are the primary sources of a child's entertainment, they're less likely to show interest in reading, which may hamper their overall reading comprehension and language skills.

An inability to sleep is also a consequence of too much technology. Children need as much as 11 hours of sleep every night. Many digital devices negatively impact this as their screens emit a blue light that hinders the release of a sleep hormone called melatonin. This disruption causes fatigue, low energy, and a compromised immune system.

Long-Term Consequences

If the use of TV and digital devices is left unchecked, the long-term consequences are significant and problematic. Slight weight gain can turn to obesity as children age. They may exhibit a decrease in attention span and perform poorly in school. What children watch on-screen can encourage risky behavior, particularly when they become teenagers. This behavior includes increased aggression or engaging in unprotected sex. Kids who were exposed to violent programming are more likely to be desensitized to pain and suffering, and less empathetic. The long-term impact of certain technology on a child's social skills may hamper their ability to read social cues and engage in proper social interaction.

Parents who entertain their young children with tablets or their smartphones may also notice changes in their child's vision. Because these devices are held a relatively short distance from the eyes and for long periods at a time, there is an increased risk of becoming myopic, also known as nearsighted. Another serious, long-term consequence to children and excess digital usage is that it can become addictive and they may find it difficult to stop or cut back on usage.


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